Monday, 27 April 2009

jens wedding

The boys and I spent the weekend back in Luton for one of my niece's wedding. What fun we had getting there! Someone thought that it would be a good idea to leave Pompie at 315pm when Jason finished school, what a mistake!!!. Everyone warned me but no thought I knew better! Whta normally takes just over 1and 1/2 hours took well over three hours, I don't think that we did more than 10mph all the way round the M25. Well at least the boys went to bed late and I thought that at least they will get up late WRONG!!! They were still up at their usual half past 6.

The wedding itself was lovely and at least the boys behaved themselves during the service. When Jason was one, we went to a wedding in the same church and when they got to the bit about speak now etc and it was silent he decided to release some wind very loudly that was it the adults all around(and you know who you are) just fell about laughing!

I thought they (my boys) looked very smart and here they are

The bride looked fantastic in her dress. They were very lucky with the weather cold wind but sunny. Here they areManaged to get a sneaky pic of the boys and my new car eeerrr i mean the wedding car

Then onto the reception at the sculpture gallery in Woburn Abbey. The boys got party bags to keep them quiet during the meal. On of the items was a note book with an animal on the front that had large googley eyes and a pair of sunglasses. We had great fun with them!

This Jason

and this is Lewis.

They also got a flexible ruler which they decided was a bracelet except for Oscar who thought it was great fun to wear it on his head The next day Lewis decided that when he grows up he wants to be a rockstar.

I can't imagine why!!

Sunday was spent playing in the garden at Grandma's and travelling back as we were all very sleepy people

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